Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rainy in Demopolis

Tuesday, Oct. 27th
One more day staying dry in west Alabama.  But, we did make in the Red Barn last night for some catfish!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Oct. 21st
Anchored at Bay Springs our first night.  Arrived early.  Dinghied to recreation area to stretch sea legs.

Day of the LOCKS

Thursday, Oct. 22nd
Practice makes perfect.  We locked 7 times today: Whitten, Montgomery, Rankin, Fulton, Wilkins, Amory, and Aberdeen.  Slowly making it down to sea level.

We made it to Columbus Marina right before closing time around 5:30.  Someone else had the courtesy car so Blade let us borrow the Dodge Ram work truck to drive to the town about 5 miles away.  Alan and I shared delicious redfish Ponchartrain at Huck's Place downtown Columbus. After we sat down we realized we didn't know where Columbus was.  Our waitress told us we were in Mississippi, but only 8 miles from the Alabama line.

We didn't need a food store stop.   I had packed well in the beginning. In our freezer was enough dinners for 2 weeks.  But it is fun taking advantage to go to town and eat local fare when you have the chance.

Sleep was good and easy this night.

River Swimmers

Friday, Oct. 23rd
Alan spotted a buck with a large rack swimming from east to west shore this morning.  Later, we spotted a coyote swimming in the same direction.  The coyote had a small head swimming, but after banking it, he was actually tall and camouflaged next to the brown shoreline.

We anchored all alone in a 17' ox bow called Cook's Bend Cut.  We had to watch for "jug" catfishing. After enjoying the most peaceful and quiet night, we awakened to the most beautiful sunrise.

Nothing is more lovely than a new day. . . especially when we pause and remember the One who gives it.

Black Warrior River

Saturday-Monday, Oct. 24-26th
After locking through Howell Heflin, we continued to our next our next destination.  We met and followed Corkscrew.  What beautiful scenery.

White Cliffs at Epes on the Tenn-Tom

Leaving the beautiful Tennessee-Tombigbee River, we enter our last leg, the Black Warrior that takes us all the way down to Mobile.  We stop at Kingfisher Bay Marina in Demopolis, Alabama to wait out a storm passing through the south.  Waiting out a storm provides a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors!  Kingfisher has an excellent guest house where we shared food and drink the night we arrived.  And, this morning I found a huge platter of oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies when I went out to stretch my legs.

Did I tell you that we are going into town tonight for dinner at the Red Barn.  Let you know how that is next blog . . .

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Good-bye Goose Pond

Sunday, Oct 18th
It's time to head to Mobile.  Sharing the experience makes a great time an awesome one.  Buddy & Mackie Nix join us on the front 3 legs of our journey.  

After locking through Guntersville Lock, we spent the night at the Ingall's Landing pier in Decatur, Al.  
Painted Bluff
After moving on Monday morning, we locked through Wheeler, and then the Wilson, the largest lock east of the Rockies.  The 94 ft single lift requires 50 million gallons of water to be drawn in or drained out for each locking.   Buddy & Mackie became quite proficient handling the lines and fenders.

Tuesday evening, we met Bob & Becky Black in Florence at the marina harbor. After dinner at Odette's and a good night's rest, they joined us Tuesday morning and we continued our cruise to Grand Harbor on Pickwick Lake. Leaves have begun to change colors and the weather couldn't have been more perfect.

Time to say good-bye to our good friends and begin the next leg of our journey.


October 20th
Alan and I officially started the Great Loop adventure at Grand Harbor Marina on Pickwick Lake!

Virginia Is For Lovers

  Virginia Is For Lovers! Cruising Our first and only lock this trip.  Great Bridge lock in the city of Chesapeake.  They lowered us only a ...