Saturday, April 7, 2018

North Carolina

Serene setting for Easter Sunday morning
Osprey Marina, south Myrtle Beach

April 1

We awoke Easter Sunday morning to a beautiful sunrise, but also got to enjoy a setting full moon. Actually the full moon on March 31st was a “blue moon” meaning it was the 2nd full moon in a calendar month. The next blue moon won't be until 2020!

Osprey Marina doesn't have a restaurant, which you know we enjoy by now, but they were the friendliest and we felt at home talking to the the proprietors and dock crew. I wouldn't have minded staying there a week. However, part of the contentment could have been the significance of the day. Thankfulness for our risen Lord who has become the real treasure in our lives.

On our way to Osprey, I bet we saw 50 ospreys . Many were nesting in dead trees above the black water of the Waccamaw River. Isn't is interesting how large birds enjoy sitting in dead trees? Do you think that they can see the fish in the water?

Nesting Osprey

Find the lost Easter egg.

North Carolina
Monday & Tuesday

On our way to Southport for the evening, we had shallow water challenges again. Not as much from low tide, but these were at the ocean inlets where sand had washed in causing sandbars to crop up at various places. And they were not well marked. We traveled very slow. One place, a sailboat had washed up on a sandbar. I felt sorry for him because we came close a couple of times, having to remind myself that “this is an adventure."

Another bad day.
Coast Guard to the rescue.  A dredging operation working on a shallow spot.
Pretty fishing village along the way.

We arrived in Southport Marina at 1650 (4:50) The Captain uses military time when cruising. A resurfaced habit.

Fishy Fishy Cafe in South Port.
Once again we got to choose dinner from many seafood restaurants scattering the sea shore. Southport's old town was a lovely walking town. We found a Walmarts only a couple of miles, so we got our bikes out for the first time and rode them inland for some re-provisioning, using the saddle bags Alan got me for Christmas. Boaters say that the perfect stop is when you have the 3 W's: Walmarts, Walgreens & West Marine.


a little fog

The Captain saw a boat following us on his AIS.  That is a radio signal that identifies your boat to others, as well as other boats to you.  He had seen this boat on his screen, suspecting maybe another fishing boat.  As it got closer, he turned around and to his surprise, this big container ship was right in our wake!!

Visiting with friends in Wilmington at
Bennett Brothers Yacht Marina
April 4-5

“It takes a long time to grow old friends” It was good to see Catherine and her son Coley.

What we do best!

Coast Guard ship "Diligence" docked in Wilmington.

This image was posted on the side of the above Coast Guard ship Diligence.  When a military ship does a successful operation, they will get an award.  The leaves in this image display their drug busts. 

Wilmington in our wake.

Harbor Village Marina
night of the 5th

Great quiet stop for the night.

Cruising in Camp LeJeune

We had called them the day before to assure there would be no firing as us.

We passed several tanks and military vehicles.  

LeJeune tower.

My two favorite pictures:

My Captain.

Ospreys on a red "76."

Friday, the 6th.  Headed to Morehead City Yacht Basin to wait out weather.


  1. Lovely! Looks like you are having a wonderful adventure. We love and miss you all!

  2. We enjoy viewing the sights with you! Great photos!

  3. Great pics - let’s us enjoy the adventure too. Mary Alice

  4. So impressed by your adventurous spirit. Looks like a lot of tranquil and enjoyable times throughout. Thanks for the blog and pictures. Stay safe.


  5. I know that you both feel extremely blessed to be able to experience this adventure, along with the handiwork of our awesome God and Father, as well as with eachother in hand!


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  Virginia Is For Lovers! Cruising Our first and only lock this trip.  Great Bridge lock in the city of Chesapeake.  They lowered us only a ...